Sunday, January 1, 2012

Foodie Fanatics: "Cake" Ice-Cream Cones

This recipe for the Foodie Fanatics was chosen by Michele at Makin' Cakin' Weekends. We are still baking from Paula Deen. My daughter and I made these yesterday before dinner to have to munch on during the night. They are super easy to make. You can make with any flavor cake mix. I was originally going to do funfetti, but had a bad egg and made chocolate instead.

Everyone seemed to enjoy them. My four year old grandson kept asking were the ice cream was! He knew they were cake, but they were in the cones. Silly boy!

The recipe can be found here on the Food Network Site. I recommend making these especially for a kids party! The flavor possibilities are endless.

Sorry the pic is fuzzy, we were outside enjoying a fire in our 60 degree weather!

My grandson with the frosting on his nose!


Michele said...

Yours are beautiful! Love the pink sprinkles. These were fun to make. Glad Austin like them!

Lucy Hill said...

Oh.. Looks perfect, Recipe please.. =) Im planning to make my children ice cream next week end. =)

Looking for ice cream business? Check click here for more information

Leona Davis said...

Oh! This is perfect! Thanks for this love;y idea. :)